Things To Ask Yourself Before Becoming A Rishikesh Yoga Teacher
If you are a woman who is interested in becoming a Rishikesh yoga teacher, you are probably overwhelmed with all the questions you need to ask yourself. It's not an easy task because there are a lot of yoga training centers available, and each one has its own set of rules that you have to follow, or they won't let you in. The basic rules of a Rishikesh yoga training center are that you have to meet certain criteria before you can enroll. One of the most important things that you have to prove is that you are ready for the rigorous lifestyle that Rishikesh yoga involves. No matter how much you love yoga, it won't help if you're not physically and mentally prepared. Another thing that you should be aware of is that Rishikesh is only accessible for those women who are 25 years old and above. That means that if you're like most women, your chance of getting accepted for the training is very low. This means that you have to put in some time to learn the rig...